DJ'S blue whale info (is all true) Veiw our Videos they have lots of info on the Blue Whale

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Our photos are from GOOGLE IMAGES

And some of our posts are from WIKIPEDIA

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Blue Whale and calf

Worlds Largest Blue Whale Skeleton

Blue Whale Swimming

blue whale skeleton

Da Big Blue Maze

Whale Lice

a number of animals make their home on large Whales expanse skin such as the Blue Whale some of these hang-ons are harmless,but others are irritating such as the whale louse

info from the video 1

The Blue Whale is 30 meters long
The Blue Whale is over 100 tonnes
The Blue Whale's tongue is as heavy as an Elephant
The Blue Whale's heart is as big as a car
Some of the Blue Whale's blood vessels are so wide you can swim down them
The Blue Whale's tail alone is the width of a small aircraft's wings
The Blue Whale can crusie at 20 knots

Monday, May 12, 2008

Blue whales travel huge distances and need to keep in touch with other blue whales across miles and miles of ocean. To do this they produce a very, very low frequency noise. It is very low so that it can travel more easily through the water and it is also very powerful. Your voice can probably make a sound of 100 decibels if you shout loudly. The sound of a jet plane is about 150 decibels and a blue whale's sound can be as loud as 188 decibels. It is the loudest sound ever known to be produced by a living source and because it is so low it is like feeling an earthquake!

Whale Relitives

A whale is a mammal so it is a relitive of humans, dolphins and many other animals'
A mammal is a animal that gives birth to live babies
A mammal also has warm blood

baleen whales

The Blue Whale has many cousins such as the
Right Whales
Pygmy Right Whales
Bowhead Whales
Grey Whales
Humpback Whales
Fin Whales
Sei Whales
Minke Whales
Bryde's Whales

These are only the Great Baleen Whales

here is a game to play


A single Blue can eat as much as 4.5 tons of krill in one day, filtering them from the water with its 250 to 400 pairs of baleen plates.
A baleen plate replaces teeth
the blue whale is a Rorqual a Rorqual is toothless whale

big blue

heres a blue whale parade

big blue

birds eye veiw


here is a picture of krill

the blue whales main food is krill

Sunday, May 11, 2008

blue whale diagram

blue whale pictures

The record appears to be at least 110 feet long and a weight of 209 tons (It was a female) the threats to blue whales are loss of food & Pollution
Blue whales are found throughout the world's oceans. These gentle giants have grayish-blue skin with light spots. Measuring 70 to 80 feet in length (the longest recorded length was 106 feet), blue whales can weigh as much as 90 to 150 tons, although females are larger than the males.

life span and estimated amount in wild

the population of the blue whale is 1,300 to 2,000
the life span of a blue whale is estimated to be 80 years

area of the blue whale

Dorsal Fin

The dorsal fin on a blue whale is 3/4ths way down of the body! And is 1 foot (30cm)

Blue whale size comparison

Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Blue Whale is a marine mammal in a small group of baleen whales. blue whales can grow to 33 meters in length and 200 tonnes or more in weight, it is the largest animal ever to have existed.

Long and slim, the Blue Whale's body can be different shades of blue and grey which are lighter shades underneath. There are at least three non extinct species but there might be others undiscoverd its diet consists on krill, small fish and sometimes squid.

There were alot of blue whales in almost every ocean until the start of the 20th century. For over 40 years they were hunted by whalers until they were protected by the international community.

Starting of

Hi this is DJ's presentation on Blue whales. Did you know blue whales have 2 blow holes wow!